I am running an oldish Icecast (like 1.3.08), Ices and Libshout from about that time, and the newest version of WinAmp with ths Source plugins. For the longest time I've been using Ices to stream a mount point, /DEFAULT, which just plays random mp3s from the servers hard drive. But now I've added a second mountpoint from which live djs can send their streams from, which are usualy from WinAmp Source plugins. Right now I was testing it out, with darklight.machineandsoul.com being the client machine that is streaming data to the shoutcast server (which is voix.machineandsoul.com). It's sending music, and other clients can listen to the new mountpoint (which is like /icy_0). However, every 30 seconds darklight.machineandsoul.com is logging into /DEFAULT (Accepted client # from [darklight.machineandsoul.com] on mountpoint [/SOURCE]. # clients connected.) If there are open spots on /SOURCE then the client stays connected for 1 second, and then disconnects (Kicking client # [darklight.machineandsoul.com] [Client signed off] [listener], connected for 1 seconds, ....) Any ideas whats going on? It's probably WINAMP. ---------------------------------------------------------------- "Death has long been considered humanity's number one concern. Responsible for 100 percent of all recorded fatalities worldwide, the condition has no cure." mailto:rookd@msoe.edu dj66.machineandsoul.com internet/college radio - machineandsoul.com ---------------------------------------------------------------- --- >8 ---- List archives: xiph.org/archives icecast project homepage: icecast.org To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to 'icecast-request@xiph.org' containing only the word 'unsubscribe' in the body. No subject is needed. Unsubscribe messages sent to the list will be ignored/filtered.