I found out that icecast will crash when trying to stream a title or
artist with % in the name. The cause seems to be in stats.c, line 158
where the text is sent as a format string to vsnprintf. This could
possibly be used for an exploit too. The solution I came up with is
to call stats_event instead of stats_event_args from
format_vorbis_get_buffer in format_vorbis.c. I've included a patch
Index: format_vorbis.c
==================================================================RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -r1.6 format_vorbis.c
< if (tag) stats_event_args(self->mount,
"title", tag);
< else stats_event_args(self->mount,
"title", "unknown");
---> if (tag) stats_event(self->mount,
"title", tag);
> else stats_event(self->mount,
"title", "unknown");
< if (tag) stats_event_args(self->mount,
"artist", tag);
< else stats_event_args(self->mount,
"artist", "unknown");
---> if (tag) stats_event(self->mount,
"artist", tag);
> else stats_event(self->mount,
"artist", "unknown");
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