The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 2.6.16, the sixteenth maintenance release in the 2.6-stable series. Changes Between 2.6.15 and 2.6.16, the following bugfixes were accomplished: ? Bug 516920 - Calendar Pop up disappears of the left side. ? Bug 603379 - Prevent changing some Account Options if it has transactions. ? Bug 670731 - Future Value not working with Loan Scheduled transaction. ? Bug 739571 - Matching imported transactions doesn't indicate previously matched entries. ? Bug 759934 - Tiny reports in HiDPI (workaround). ? Bug 766630 - gui dialog for sorting transactions to accounts after aqbanking import broken. ? Bug 767032 - Bad invoices from importing "posted" needing currency conversion Only auto-post if the posted_to account name is valid, there's no currency conversion, or the invoice customer's currency matches the A/R account currency. Tell the user what happened with a dialog. ? Bug 773945 - Select Security Dialog Not User Friendly: Add a new namespace ?ALL NON-CURRENCY? to the namespace (type) selector lists on the security picker and price editor which causes the commodity list to include all non-security commodities. ? Bug 776247 - PriceEditor thinks Currency XXX is an actual currency and tries to retrieve prices for it. ? Bug 776380 - Gross value of bills charged back instead of net value. ? Bug 776494 - Wrong menu entry in Tip of the day. ? Bug 776517 - Trial Balance Report: Total Debits Issue re $0 Commodity Accounts and Price Source Mode Set to "Nearest in Time" or "Most Recent". ? Bug 776564 - Creating a scheduled transaction from an existing transaction does not include the notes field. ? Bug 778208 - Scheduling 2nd, 3rd or 4th Wed doesn't seem to work. ? Bug 779217 - Transactions rounded to 5 decimal places when opening file. ? Bug 779411 - jqplot fixes for piechart and syntax error. ? Bug 777875 - Reports with charts are flickering in certain circumstances. ? Bug 777949 - Accounts implicitly created in ledger attempt creation twice. Some other fixes not associated with reported bugs: ? Use "Billing Information" as in other biz modules. ? Update local symbol for MUR. ? Online banking: Add output of bank messages that might occasionally be received. ? Allow only date entry for opening balances on new accounts. ? Enable taxinvoice to show net price: Add gncEntryGetNetPrice. Create an option in taxinvoice to either use gncEntryGetNetPrice or gncEntryGetPrice. ? Make SQL full-DB sync safer and clean up automatically if it's interrupted by a system or network failure. ? Extend account color to all columns in the account hierarchy page. li> ? Localize the word ?CURRENCY? used in the commodity namespace selectors. Translation Updates: Catalan, Dutch, Finnish, German, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian Important update notification If you are updating from gnucash 2.6.0-2.6.4 on linux, you are advised to remove the guile user cache or several parts of gnucash may fail to work properly. This user cache can be found in .cache/guile/ccache/2.0-LE-8-2.0/ in your home directory. It's safe to remove the whole contents of this directory. Note .cache is a hidden folder in your home directory. You may have to change your file manager's settings in order to view hidden files and folders. Documentation Concurrent with the release of Gnucash 2.6.16 we're pleased to also release a new version 2.6.16 of the companion Help and Tutorial and Concepts Guide. ? Bug 755174 - How to handle commission when buying and selling securities. ? Bug 769457 - More info re register views. ? Bug 774658 - Add warning to delete lot before deleting a cap gain/loss transaction. ? Bug 777318 - Restructure Business Features Chapters. ? Bug 777287 - add tips on changing reconcile status of all transactions in reconcile window panes. ? Remove section "Changing the Register View" as better handled in Guide section 4.2 ? Glossary: Transactions have at least 2 splits Getting GnuCash for Windows and MacOS X GnuCash is provided for both Microsoft Windows XP? and later and MacOS X 10.5 (Leopard)? and later in pre-built, all-in-one packages. An installer is provided for Microsoft Windows? while the MacOS X? package is a disk image containing a drag-and-drop application bundle. The SHA256 Hashes for the downloadable files are: ? 2c556299a6a610fc93dd2ea8d432357e3d43d4630d66d7f888fcf5f4b4ce0881 gnucash-2.6.16.tar.bz2 ? 84c79c333937ccfdcc0b94f9eec78b707e27043402560c3fbc85a3eefa211c56 gnucash-2.6.16.tar.gz ? 33152c867d2e470c01d5964674193dd8568bffd21e8965baa2ce4fce9b77138e gnucash-2.6.16.setup.exe ? a1e0fe408b9bc34a9d7ecff1fdaf66846289032636e44b37f6ef18b71867aec8 Gnucash-Intel-2.6.16-1.dmg ? dad213032651eaef485d919030ec4e2a30cfec5cdcfb7505f94502fffec2dabe gnucash-docs-2.6.16.tar.gz ? SourceForge: ? Win32 ? Intel ? PPC ? Github ? Win32 ? Intel ? PPC Getting GnuCash as source code If you want to compile GnuCash 2.6.16 for yourself, the source code can be downloaded from: ? Sourceforge: bzip2, all files. ? Github: gzip ? You can also checkout the sources directly from the git repository as described here. To compile GnuCash from the source code by yourself, you will need at least Gnome 2, Guile, and slib. In addition you will need swig if compiling from git. Please consult the README file in the sources for the exact list of dependencies and versions. Getting the documentation The documentation is available at Documentation page of the GnuCash website. The 2.6.16 documentation can be found under "GnuCash v2.6 (current stable release)" in multiple languages both for reading online and for download in pdf, epub, and mobi formats. If you want to compile the GnuCash Documentation 2.6.16 for yourself, the source code can be downloaded from: ? Sourceforge or GitHub ? You can also checkout the sources directly from the git repository as described here. About the Program GnuCash is a free, open source accounting program released under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and available for GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris, Mac OSX and Microsoft Windows. Programming on GnuCash began in 1997, and its first stable release was in 1998.