On March 21, 2020 9:35:41 PM GMT+02:00, Christian Reiss <email at
christian-reiss.de> wrote:>Hey folks,
>Running CentOS7 with Gluster 7.0 in a single node instance with oVirt
>top (Home Virt Stuff). Everything is working flawlessly, but I just
>noticed that I did not turn on sharding on the beginning. So I set
>gluster volume set ssd_storage features.shard on
>gluster volume set ssd_storage features.shard-block-size 64MB
>As per RedHat recommendations
>and on new files I do see the shard files appearing. Any smart way to
>move the current data to sharding?
>Stay safe and healthy folks.
Hey Christian,
Sharding is usefull if you have a VM disk larger than the brick, or for faster
healing (where only the shard is being healed), so you won't benefit
much unless you have multiple bricks there.
In your case , you can:
1. Stop the VM
2. Copy the VM disk in the same directory
For example:
cp -a <uuid> <uuid>-new
sha512sum <uuid> | grep $(sha512sum <uuid>-new | awk '{print
3. Swap the old one with the new one:
mv <uuid>-new <uuid>
4. Power up the VM and repeat for all vms
Best Regards,
Strahil Nikolov