What did you connect the storage using on client ?
you were using 1GbE to connect the storage on client probably.
It means that the bandwidth between server and client is ~128MB/s
please check your client environment.
- ??? ?? -
? ? ?
Taehwa Lee
Gluesys Co.,Ltd.
alghost.lee at gmail.com
010-3420-6114, 070-8785-6591
> 2017. 7. 12. ?? 3:03, atris adam <atris.adam at gmail.com> ??:
> I have setup a distributed glusterfs volume with 3 servers. the network is
1GbE, i get filebench test with a client.
> refer to this link:
> the more server for gluster, more throughput should gain. I have tested the
network, the bandwidth is 117 MB/s, so when i have 3 servers i should gain
about 300 MB/s (3*117 MB/s) throughput, but the filebench show 112 MB/s
> what is the problem? which mistake I am making, help me?
> thx all :)
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