Hi all and apologies for the late announcement. GlusterFS-3.7.17 has been released. The release-notes for this release can be viewed at [1]. 3.7.17 packages for Fedora (24-26), Debian (wheezy, jessie, stretch), and RHEL/CentOS (5, 6, 7) are available on download.gluster.org. 3.7.17 packages for Ubuntu (trusty, wily, xenial) are in the PPA. 3.7.17 packages for SuSE (SLES, OpenSuSE, Leap42.1) will be in the SuSE Build System soon. Thanks and Regards, Samikshan [1] https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs/blob/release-3.7/doc/release-notes/3.7.17.md