On 2016-09-07 07:45, Aravinda wrote:
Using Checkpoint feature you can confirm that Geo-rep synced till that time.
Set Checkpoint
gluster volume geo-replication <MASTER>
<SLAVEHOST>::<SLAVEVOL> config checkpoint now
Touch Mount point (To record setattr in every bricks changelog)
mount -t glusterfs localhost:/<MASTERVOL> /mnt/<MASTERVOL>
touch /mnt/<MASTERVOL>
The volume is already mounted, I assume I can use the existing mount point for
the touch command?
Watch the status of Geo-replication, If the Checkpoint status is "Yes"
then Geo-rep synced everything till the checkpoint time. Geo-rep may have synced
more that Checkpoint time, but checkpoint completion confirms that it synced all
files which are created/modified before checkpoint time.
gluster volume geo-replication <MASTER>
<SLAVEHOST>::<SLAVEVOL> status detail
Also watch the log files in Master nodes for any errors.
I am watching /var/log/glusterfs/geo-replication/georeplica logs on the master
Any more logs to consider?
THX Georg
On Tuesday 06 September 2016 06:13 PM, Georg Schoenberger wrote:
Hi folks,
I am trying to switch over to my distributed geo redundant volume.
Any tools/checks/methods to ensure the geo redundant volume does not lag
Can I ensure, that the geo replicated host has all the data?
THX, Georg
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