Hi Nagaprasad,
Thanks for reply.
*Nature of I/O workload your application is generating:*
It is very high. Our product woking on files. It is collecting data(multi
process and multi threaded) from remote nodes and then processing it and
then it sending it to remote locations.
our Execution engine runs the processing busines logic. So huge no of
open,read,write,rename calls in the our code per second.
recently we made it scalable as well, so our business logic runs
horigontally from multiple nodes. we are collecting it in common directory
and reading it from same directory for processing.
We are using Veritas cluster file system. It is locking on directory level.
Since same directory accessed from multiple nodes. There is a delay in
processing. further it reducess performance drastically.
For improving performance we made some changes in our application by
breaking the direcotories for collection and processing.
By this we got performance improvement.
We feel if we change our file system we will get more improvement. Please
On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 2:27 PM, Nagaprasad Sathyanarayana <
nsathyan at redhat.com> wrote:
> Hello Tarakeshwar,
> Firstly, welcome to the Gluster community.
> Please visit
> which answers some of your queries about GlusterFS capabilities.
> If you could share with us the nature of I/O workload your application is
> generating, the performance need of your application, type of client access
> (NFS, CIFS etc.,)
> that users of your application need etc, we will be in a better position
> to guide.
> Regards
> Nagaprasad
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "M.Tarkeshwar Rao" <tarkeshwar4u at gmail.com>
> To: gluster-users at gluster.org
> Sent: Tuesday, 15 September, 2015 12:15:23 PM
> Subject: [Gluster-users] Hi new to Gluster
> Hi all,
> We have a product which is written in c++ on Red hat.
> In production our customers using our product with Veritas cluster file
> system for HA and as sharded storage(EMC).
> Initially this product was run on only single node. In our last release we
> make it Scalable(more than one nodes).
> Due to excessive locking(CFS) we are not getting the performance.
> Can you please suggest Gluster will resolve our problem as it is
> distributed file system.
> is Gluster POSIX complined?
> Can we use it in Production? Pls suggest.
> If any other file system please suggest.
> Regards
> Tarkeshwar
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