Hi, We have a replica volume with two bricks. Those two bricks are too small, and I'm replacing them with two much larger bricks. My thought was to use replace-brick on each of them (one at a time) and then I would just end up with a larger volume. The replace-brick action works at first, but after a seemingly random amount of data is transfered, the glusterd process on the new brick is stuck using 100% of one core, status on the replace-brick shows completed, but all the data isn't copied. The first time it was around 1.8T (of around 2.3), the second time it was only 42G. Is there additional debugging I can do, or is there a different way to get where I want? I want to remove the hardware for the original two bricks because it's dev hardware that went into production as a test, it's too small to be useful there. Thanks! Moses