Dirk Schwendemann
2006-Apr-05 14:45 UTC
[fxruby-users] intercepting messages from FXScrollBartoFXScrollArea
Hello Jeroen, Henon and Lyle, I''ve tried to overload the layout method of FXText with this: def layout() super() scrollCorner.destroy() verticalScrollBar.resize(verticalScrollBar.width, height) end This works as long as the user doesn''t use the keyboard to enter text into the textfield. It seems, as if user actions (e.g entering text with the keyboard)trigger the layout method of FXText directly without calling the overloaded ruby method. I''ve added a SEL_CHANGED handler to the TextField to catch these events and correct the Scrollbar. This approach works, if notify=true is used in all calls to appendText and appendStyledText. I also tried to put a "next 0" at the end of the SEL_CONFIGURE message handler of my first trial: @scrollArea.verticalScrollBar.connect(SEL_CONFIGURE){ ... next 0 } Unfortunately this doesn''t work neither - probably because the original target has been overwritten by the connect command. Nevertheless the scroll down button is now at the place I wanted it to be. Thank you for your time and advice Dirk -- Echte DSL-Flatrate dauerhaft f?r 0,- Euro*! "Feel free" mit GMX DSL! http://www.gmx.net/de/go/dsl