Hi, I just create two .desktop files on my Debian GNU/Linux Stretch system. I am using XFCE4 DE. The .desktop files are like this: The AppyBuilder_01_Hatter.desktop file is: [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Version=0.9.4 Type=Application Name=AppyBuilder_01_Hatter Comment=Android programozás Path=/home/pali/Irataim/Programozas/Android/AppyBuilder/OffLine_Szemelyes_verzio/AppyBuilderPersonal/ Exec=/home/pali/Irataim/Programozas/Android/AppyBuilder/OffLine_Szemelyes_verzio/AppyBuilderPersonal/startBackend.sh OnlyShowIn=XFCE; StartupNotify=false Terminal=false Hidden=false The AppyBuilder_02_Eloter.desktop file is: [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Version=0.9.4 Type=Application Name=AppyBuilder_02_Eloter Comment=Android programozás Path=/home/pali/Irataim/Programozas/Android/AppyBuilder/OffLine_Szemelyes_verzio/AppyBuilderPersonal/ Exec=/home/pali/Irataim/Programozas/Android/AppyBuilder/OffLine_Szemelyes_verzio/AppyBuilderPersonal/startFrontend.sh OnlyShowIn=XFCE; StartupNotify=false Terminal=false Hidden=false I put these .desktop files in to $HOME/.config/autostart/ directory where I have two other .desktop files already which works when I start XFCE4 Dsktop Environment out there. My two desktop files should start the Appy Builder Personal and in my browser I should see the opened http://localhost:8888 web page out there after I login in to XFCE4 DE and start my Firefox browser. Unfortunately, this does not work. These scripts can't be started this way, with use of .desktop files. Why? Is there any wrong line in my desktop files out there? If I start the startBackend.sh script in it's directory ( see bellow ) manually, it works out there. Thought I must be in the /home/pali/Irataim/Programozas/Android/AppyBuilder/OffLine_Szemelyes_verzio/AppyBuilderPersonal/ directory when I manually start the startBackend.sh, or startFrontend.sh scripts out there. Any advices will be appreciated! -- Best, Pali