On 7/9/2020 09:32, Pete French wrote:>
> On 09/07/2020 14:24, Kyle Evans wrote:
>>> gpart bootcode -p /boot/boot1.efifat -i 1 ada0
>>> gpart bootcode -p /boot/boot1.efifat -i 1 ada1
>> This method of updating the ESP is no longer recommended for new 12.x
>> installations -- we now more carefully construct the ESP with an
>> /EFI/FreeBSD/loader.efi where loader.efi is /boot/loader.efi. You will
>> want to rebuild this as such, and that may fix part of your problem.
> Out of interest, how should the ESP partition be upgraded then ? I
> dont have any EFI machines...yet. But one day I will, and I was
> assuming that an upgrade would be done using the above lines too.
Nope.? An EFI partition is just a "funky" MSDOS (FAT) one, really.?
the upgrade of the loader on one would be just a copy onto it as with
any other file on a filesystem (e.g. mount the partition, copy the file
to the correct place, unmount it); the gpart command does a byte-copy
onto what is, for all intents and purposes, an unformatted (no
directory, etc) reserved part of the disk.
My laptop dual boot (Windows 10 / FreeBSD) is EFI and I've yet to have
to screw with the loader, but if you do then it's just a copy over.?
Windows has several times blown up my Refind install -- all the
"Feature" upgrades from Windows have a habit of resetting the BIOS
order which makes the machine "Windows boots immediately and only", so
have to go back and reset it whenever Microslug looses one of those on
me.? If I had cause to update the loader for FreeBSD then I'd just mount
the partition and copy it over.
Karl Denninger
karl at denninger.net <mailto:karl at denninger.net>
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