Harry Schmalzbauer
2017-Sep-30 12:53 UTC
find(1)'s "newer" primary expression gives wrong results with symbolic links
Hello, utilizing find(1)'s 'newer' primary expression is broken with symbolic links (for a very long time). Anyone who is using find for timestamp comparings should pay special attention regarding symbolic links. The man page states for "-P" (which ist the default), that ?the file information and file type (see stat(2)) returned for each symbolic link to be those of the link itself? That's not the case, -P doesn't work as expected, see https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=222698 for details. Hope someone with better C skills will find the root of the problem as soon as possible. I'm trying to find myself, but I'm happyly proven not to be the fastest ;-) -harry