Bez?glich George Amanakis via freebsd-stable's Nachricht vom 24.05.2017
19:09 (localtime):> Regarding the upcoming 11.1-RELEASE:
> Could somebody update netmap from CURRENT to STABLE, so that it would make
it into 11.1-RELEASE?
> I would really like to see ptnet and ptnetmap in 11.1-RELEASE.
Can't help regarding 11.1-RELEASE, but if you're looking for pt_netmap
on stable/11, I perpared a private MFC:
I hope I found all related commits, but I've done by hand; no idea if
there's a way to let svn do the same job...
List of repspected revisions:
r306772, r307394-r307396, r307569, r307572, r307574, r307703, r307706,
r307728, r308000, r308038, r309306, r310822, r311045, r311986, r313747,
No guarantee that I missed something!
No tests regarding pt_netmap done yet, I just wanted to have a better
testing platfrom, since there are outstaning vale-related problems (in native
stable/11 netmap version, as well as in updated version, but developers tend to
work with latest code, so I thought it might be easier getting help with updated
code base).