I wanted to updating an old 10.0-R-? system to 10.3 and tried to see if I could go from 10.0 to 10.3 using freebsd-update. I got segfaults during the freebsd-update install portion and the base binaries got trashed. Is going up multiple minor versions unsupported with freebsd-update or something? (I haven't played with freebsd-update in a long long time but a 9.x -> 10.0 worked fine the last time I did it several years ago.) I also tried this foolishly on a remote machine, fortunately my ssh session stayed intact, so I was able to use /rescue/nc to retrieve a copy of 10.3/base.txz and a backup of /etc (which freebsd-update also destroyed, even though the merge looked fine to me). I restored the ability to ssh back into the machine. Based on sha256 I think by now, after restoring /bin, /lib, /libexec, /sbin, /usr from base.txz I have Percival's 10.3-R-p4 kernel running with a 10.3-R userland (I retrieved base.txz from ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/amd64/10.3-RELEASE), so I'm not sure if I want to pull down sources and track -RELEASE using svn/buildworld or if I should try to backup this kernel (which is working) and reinstall the 10.3-R kernel from base.txz and see if I freebsd-update will work in the future 10.3 -> 11.