> - Intel Wireless 7260 (no wifi at all)
It looks like there is no driver for FreeBSD for this chip yet. I think
you can't even swap the mini pci card out for a supported one, since the
newer Lenovo models with UEFI have a white list for wireless chips that
you can't work around. The only other chip that appears on the FRU list
for the T440
is the RTL8192EE, but that doesn't seem to be supported either. Also it
looks like the T440 has no expresscard slot, so that leaves a wifi USB
stick as your only option (but the drivers don't support 11n).
> - Intel HD Graphics 4400 (vesa only)
Currently a newer Intel driver is being ported
that will support the Haswell chips.
By the way, how well does the new clickpad of this laptop work under
FreeBSD? Is it possible to use the pointing stick and the top of the
clickpad as the three mouse buttons? It would be great if mouse wheel
emulation still worked (holding the middle button and moving the stick
scrolls the screen when enabled with moused_flags="-V -U 0").