On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 3:18 PM, Marko Cupa? <marko.cupac at mimar.rs>
> I see this problem for the third time in a few months, so I thought I
> should share with someone.
> I am on 10.0-RELEASE-p1 amd64. Copying files to external FAT or NTFS
> formatted USB disks ends up with bunch of strangely named files which
> can't be deleted, similar to:
> pacija at kaa:~/mnt/somefolder % ls -ilh
> ls: &???(???.?L?: Invalid argument
> ls: '?????o?.???: Invalid argument
> ls: +?-??x_~.s? : Invalid argument
> ls: /?~?????.?i?: No such file or directory
> ls: :o&Rv1??.??f: Invalid argument
> ls: :????f?z.w??: Invalid argument
> ls: ;m??2??y.??}: Invalid argument
> ls: <??o?s^?.???: Invalid argument
> ls: ????????.?k?: Invalid argument
> ls: ???????.fA?: Invalid argument
> ls: ????5??z.???: Invalid argument
> ls: ???m??!?.`??: Invalid argument
> ls: ????0%??.:??: Invalid argument
> ls: ????????.?f?: Invalid argument
> ls: ?_????5?.???: Invalid argument
> ls: ?z?e?>?t.8?e: Invalid argument
> ls: ?{wk????.???: Invalid argument
> ls: ???s#"">.???: Invalid argument
> ls: ???/??0?.?f?: Invalid argument
> ls: ???K1\K?.?c?: Invalid argument
> ls: ???c??W?.w??: Invalid argument
> ls: ???eRl??.A?y: Invalid argument
> ls: ???6q?og.?g): Invalid argument
> It happens on different disks which lowers the possibility of hardware
> problem. I think it always involves fuse kernel module (this time I was
> copying files from NTFS drive to FAT32 file. It is not related to rsync
> only as I thought before, because this time files were copied in Thunar
> with copy/paste.
> Any tips where should I start looking for souultion would be
> appretiated. Also an advice how to delete these files now (they don't
> even have inode numbers).
I think that I've seen similar issues on FAT32 file systems. But I've
that only on
a few files and that's not persistant.
Can you first try to identify the problem by testing only on FAT32 and only
on NTFS?
FAT32 should not depend on fuse, only ntfs-3g depends on fuse I think.
> Regards,
> --
> Marko Cupa?
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