As Rick pointed out, the package split script will get the packages on the
media. You also need to modify the install process to actually install the
default packages. You might want to look at the bsdinstall setup and add a
script there to load the packages. Another approach is to create a script that
runs on first boot that can install the packages via network or possibly off the
media. For MidnightBSD, I created a firstboot script that prompts the user to
install a graphical desktop environment and the fetched meta packages from our
ports tree that would pull down everything required for kde or GNUstep + window
maker. It was easier as we had sysinstall still.
Lucas Holt
On May 10, 2013, at 9:55 AM, Shawn Webb <lattera at> wrote:
> Hey All,
> I'm looking to generate a FreeBSD 9-stable (and maybe 10-current) ISO
> has certain packages pre-installed. I'd like to create my own
> media that will have certain things installed, like a web management UI
> that I'm actively working on. It'd be like what pfSense does.
> I did do a little googling and found pfSense's build documentation for
> spinning a custom build of pfSense. I'll be spending the weekend
> over their work. But in the meantime, does anyone know of the steps
> involved in such a process? Is the process documented somewhere?
> Thanks,
> Shawn
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