On Wed, March 28, 2012 17:28, Nenhum_de_Nos wrote:> hail,
> I have some problems trying to install 9.0-BETA3 using a serial terminal. I
edited to have it boot
> using serial console, that was fine, but I can't get it to create the
slices the size I want. I
> say 1g to create a swap, and it puts there -56GB as size. Next I try to set
4GB to /var, using 4g
> or 4GB, and it sets 1.5GB.
> FreeBSD Installer
> │ Create partitions for FreeBSD. No changes will be
> │ made until you select Finish.
> ││ ada0s4 59 GB BSD
> ││ ada0s4a 2.0 GB freebsd-ufs /
> ││ ada0s4b -56 GB freebsd-swap
none ││
> ││ ada0s4d 1.5 GB freebsd-ufs
/var ││
> ││da0 3.8 GB GPT
> ││ da0p1 64 kB freebsd-boot
> ││ da0p2 535 MB freebsd-ufs
> ││
> │<Create> <Delete> <Modify>
<Revert> < Auto > <Finish> │
> Add a new partition
> to add to this, I couldn't find where to say that I'd like that or
this partition to be formatted,
> and how to create labels to it.
> is this supposed to happen this way ? Am I doing something wrong ?
> thanks,
> matheus
as an update, when I deleted the slice and tried again, it worked fine. The
partition table was
created using sysinstall from the same installation.
We will call you Cygnus,
The God of balance you shall be
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?