On Fri, 25 Mar 2011 14:50-0000, Attila Bog?r wrote:
> Dear FreeBSD list,
> I'm currently using FreeBSD on my backup server (w/ Amanda).
> I'm wondering if exists out there a utility for setting tape
> parameters (during boot).
> Linux had /sbin/stinit and /etc/stinit.def.
> Is there something similar for FreeBSD?
> Another problem I'm experiencing is:
> During power cycling, the controller resets the tape drives the
> drives eject the tape.
> If I use 'mt -f /dev/nsa0 comp off' in a boot script it fails with
> an error tape drive not configured.
> Is there a pretty solution for this or you just put mt into a loop
> until it succeeds?
Have you tried using /dev/sa0.ctl? E.g.: mt -f /dev/sa0.ctl comp off
I run AMANDA using a shell script from cron, and one of the things my
shell script does before running amdump is to turn off compression.
By the time the shell script runs, a tape cartridge is already loaded
in the drive. With the tape cartridge loaded, it's OK to use
> Is there a way pushing compression and block size parameters to the
> sa driver? I've already RTFM sa(8) and checked sysctl settings and I
> couldn't find the answer.
> Thanks for your constructive comments in advance,
> Attila
Trond Endrest?l | Trond.Endrestol@fagskolen.gjovik.no
ACM, NAS, NUUG, SAGE, USENIX | FreeBSD 8.1-STABLE & Alpine 2.00