hi, I have one disk, labeled r0 (/dev/mfid0), which i gpart'ed so: => 34 1952448445 mfid0 GPT (931G) 34 128 1 freebsd-boot (64K) 162 4194304 2 freebsd-ufs (2.0G) 4194466 100663296 3 freebsd-swap (48G) 104857762 1847590717 4 freebsd-zfs (881G) and a second 'disk' labeled r5 (/dev/mfid1). now, doing a 'spool import': pool: z id: 7844246385999998804 state: ONLINE action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier. config: z ONLINE gpt/r0/zfs ONLINE pool: h id: 5366665400138652241 state: ONLINE action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier. config: h ONLINE label/r5 ONLINE what caught my attention was the following message on the console: ZFS WARNING: Unable to attach to gpt/r0/swap. ZFS WARNING: Unable to attach to mfid0p3. should I realy get warried? thanks, danny