Howdy! I got a file made on mac, sized at 142 mb and with dmg extension. It is a dump of 4 gb SD card with firmware upgrade files. File says: disk1s1.dmg: VAX COFF executable not stripped So, compressed. The file system on that original card is ext3. Linux people use dmg2img utility to decompress and then mount it with options like: mount -o loop -t hfsplus image dir If correct, I could try to bunzip2 it first, then rsync to sheevaplug node (ubuntu on it) and mount finally. The final step would be to write that ima- ge to new SD card and use it to upgrade the gadget. I was sure that simple dd would suffice, but more I read, more I see it's wrong. I also assume that I cannot write that image to smaller, 2 gb SD card. Any idea what to do in this situation? Best regards Zoran