When attempting make release (7.3-PRERELEASE or 7.2-RELEASE or 8.0-RELEASE-p2) and ghostscript8-8.70 is installed on the build machine the following error occurs: ===> ghostscript8-nox11-8.70 conflicts with installed package(s): ghostscript8-8.70 They install files into the same place. Please remote them first with pkg_delete(1). *** Error code 1 Stop in /u/release/usr/ports/print/ghostscript8-nox11. *** Error code 1 Stop in /u/release/usr/ports/textproc/docproj. *** Error code 1 Stop in /var/cvsup/usr/src/release. *** Error code 1 Stop in /var/cvsup/usr/src/release. I can work around this by defining NODOC in /etc/make.conf or by deleting the ghostscipt8 package before running make release. I never had this problem in previous builds (6.4-RELEASE and 7.1-RELEASE). Is this expected/normal? Thanks.