I've set up a FreeBSD-8.0/amd64 system with ZFS as a home server, and
I'm a
bit puzzled by it's memory usage pattern; I'm seeing total memory usage
oscillate between roughly 50% and 90% of my RAM. So I've tracked memory
usage over the course of about 12 hours and graphed it here:
The unit is MiB;
kern = vm.kmem_size,
proc = sum of RSS of all processes (since some memory will be shared between
processes, this is an upper bound),
active = vm.stats.vm.v_active_count,
wire = vm.stats.vm.v_wire_count,
arc = kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats.size
A few other details about the machine in question:
avail memory = 3581587456 (3415 MiB)
kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats.c_min: 93800960 (89 MiB)
kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats.c_max: 750407680 (716 MiB)
The machine runs many services (mostly mail, filesharing via NFS, apache,
squeezebox server, rtorrent), but is generally very lightly loaded (as I
said, it's a home server with mostly 1 user). As you can see from the graph
and numbers, memory pressure seems to be about nonexistant. There is a root
UFS file system, but it sees little use; /home, /usr and /var are on ZFS.
Now, I have a couple of questions:
After subtracting the ARC size from the wired memory size, there are still
about 500 MiB of wired memory left that I can't account for. This is much
higher than I'm used to seeing on FreeBSD 7.2/i386 systems without ZFS,
where the wired amount is typically in the 50 MiB range. What are those 500
MiB used for, or how do I find out?
Same goes for active memory: if I subtract the "proc" amount from
the "active" amount, there are 500 MiB left over (probably more, since
is an upper bound) which I presume are used by the kernel... but what for?
Does ZFS require that much memory for things other than the ARC?
In the first half of the graph, there's a torrent download running, which I
assume causes the large fluctuations in memory usage. However, memory usage
of the torrent program is pretty much constant while it runs; is FreeBSD
simply behaving lazily here, not bothering to free memory as long as there
isn't any memory pressure?
Any insight into why the numbers are as they are is appreciated.