I have a new box and have been trying to install 7.2 amd64 on it for the
past week. I now see that 8.0-BETA1 is available and would be willing
to install it if it supports my intended config below.
I'm using this page as a guide but am at the console so I'm just using
the Fix It CD:
I'm having two problems. gmirror fails silently (i.e. nothing exists in
/dev/mirror). zpool command complains about libraries not being
available or something to that effect.
I only want to use FreeBSD on this box and I want to dedicate all drives
to FreeBSD. The box has 4 SATA drives detected as follows:
ad6 - 750 GB
ad8 - 500 GB
ad12 - 500 GB
ad14 - 500 GB
My thought is to break the disks up as so:
a: 500M
b: 500M
d: 465G
e: 225G (rest of drive)
a: 500M
b: 500M
d: 465G (rest of drive)
b: 1000M
d: 465G (rest of drive)
b: 1000M
d: 465G (rest of drive)
Then to install, I want to use gmirror and zfs as so:
/ - mirror ad6a and ad8a
swap - all the b: partitions (if that's the right term) for a total of 3
GB swap.
zfs - make a raid1z zpool with ad6d, ad8d, ad12d, and ad14d. in this
pool I will create /usr and /var
ad6e will just be extra space for some other use.
So does my plan make sense? And if so, how can I best accomplish it? Is
there a better guide somewhere? Should I use gpart and glabel instead
of fdisk and bsdlabel? I've read the man pages for gpart and glabel but
didn't really get it and thus returned to the more familiar fdisk and
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