On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 06:05:47PM +0300, Danny Braniss
wrote:> hi,
> Since I saw some activity, I decided to try out my msks,
> so the Yukon 88E8050 on my Intel SE7320VP21 now works with
> hw.msk.legacy_intr=0
> which didn't before (sorry, but the best I can say is 'long time
ago' ;-)
Thanks a lot for testing.
> on an Asus P5K-VM with Yukon 88E8056, it panics when used to PXE boot,
> but otherwise works fine (it used to hang the boot before).
Yeah, support for 88E8056 was not stable so far. I guess it's more
easy to fix the panic than controller hang. After the completion of
Yukon FE+ code, I'll see what can be done for 88E8056.