Hi, I eagerly started using atacontrol's new spindown command the other day. There's a gmirror volume running on top of the two disks that get spundown. I find that often when the drives are spun back up to serve a disk request, one of the ata devices times out and my system goes into a never ending loop of retrying. At that point I'm lucky if I'm able to shutdown gracefully. This is what is logged on the console after the disk spin up message: ad8: WARNING - SETFEATURES SET TRANSFER MODE taskqueue timeout - completing request directly ad8: WARNING - SETFEATURES SET TRANSFER MODE taskqueue timeout - completing request directly ad8: WARNING - SETFEATURES ENABLE RCACHE taskqueue timeout - completing request directly ad8: WARNING - SETFEATURES ENABLE RCACHE taskqueue timeout - completing request directly ad8: WARNING - SET_MULTI taskqueue timeout - completing request directly ad8: TIMEOUT - READ_DMA retrying (1 retry left) LBA=20047817 ad8: WARNING - SETFEATURES SET TRANSFER MODE taskqueue timeout - completing request directly ad8: WARNING - SETFEATURES SET TRANSFER MODE taskqueue timeout - completing request directly ad8: WARNING - SETFEATURES ENABLE RCACHE taskqueue timeout - completing request directly ad8: WARNING - SETFEATURES ENABLE RCACHE taskqueue timeout - completing request directly ad8: WARNING - SET_MULTI taskqueue timeout - completing request directly ad8: TIMEOUT - READ_DMA retrying (0 retries left) LBA=20047817 <rinse and repeat> I can only reproduce it when my gmirror volume is running. Any ideas? Thanks, Aragon
On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 10:20:42PM +0200, Aragon Gouveia wrote:> This is what is logged on the console after the disk spin up message: > > ad8: WARNING - SETFEATURES SET TRANSFER MODE taskqueue timeout - completing > request directly > ad8: WARNING - SETFEATURES SET TRANSFER MODE taskqueue timeout - completing > request directly > ad8: WARNING - SETFEATURES ENABLE RCACHE taskqueue timeout - completing > request directly > ad8: WARNING - SETFEATURES ENABLE RCACHE taskqueue timeout - completing > request directly > ad8: WARNING - SET_MULTI taskqueue timeout - completing request directly > ad8: TIMEOUT - READ_DMA retrying (1 retry left) LBA=20047817 > ad8: WARNING - SETFEATURES SET TRANSFER MODE taskqueue timeout - completing > request directly > ad8: WARNING - SETFEATURES SET TRANSFER MODE taskqueue timeout - completing > request directly > ad8: WARNING - SETFEATURES ENABLE RCACHE taskqueue timeout - completing > request directly > ad8: WARNING - SETFEATURES ENABLE RCACHE taskqueue timeout - completing > request directly > ad8: WARNING - SET_MULTI taskqueue timeout - completing request directly > ad8: TIMEOUT - READ_DMA retrying (0 retries left) LBA=20047817 > <rinse and repeat> > > I can only reproduce it when my gmirror volume is running. > > Any ideas?http://wiki.freebsd.org/JeremyChadwick/Commonly_reported_issues -- | Jeremy Chadwick jdc at parodius.com | | Parodius Networking http://www.parodius.com/ | | UNIX Systems Administrator Mountain View, CA, USA | | Making life hard for others since 1977. PGP: 4BD6C0CB |