Greetings, people! I had a strange effect today when I updated to the latest -STABLE (sources from about 17:00 UTC yesterday, not sure about the time though). After rebooting for the last time (installworld and mergemaster went before that), the machine had a new IP. The old one was the new one had a 76 instead of the 9. I have dnsmasq running on another computer as a DHCP-server. I used static DHCP, which means the ether address of each computer is in the configuration file of dnsmasq and should give each machine the same IP-address each time. That works fine for alle my machines exept this one where I have just updates. The 76 is part of the dynamic range I put in there in case I ever connect a computer from a friend or a laptop or anything else that isn't always in my network. If I try to get a new IP-address with dhclient fxp0, I always get 76. dnsmasq puts this into /var/log/messages (twice): Feb 5 16:09:43 nermal dnsmasq[138]: not giving name to the DHCP lease of because the name exists in /etc/hosts with address I also get this message if any other computer requests an IP-address. Mind you, exactly this message, not a message regarding the other computer. I did notice some changes in the defaults of rc.config. After looking at the file more closely, I still can't find anything that would be of relevance. This is a piece of /etc/defaults/rc.conf: dhclient_program="/sbin/dhclient" dhclient_flags="" #dhclient_flags_fxp0="" background_dhclient="NO" #background_dhclient_fxp0="YES" synchronous_dhclient="YES" I did not comment out those two lines, that was done by mergemaster. And I don't see anything in those settings that would suggest this happenning. There is nothing concerning the dhclient in rc.conf and /etc/dhclient.conf contains not entries, therefore leaving the defaults. What changed with this update? Regards Chris