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- --On Friday, April 27, 2007 22:57:29 +0200 Nicolas Rachinsky
<fbsd-stable-0@ml.turing-complete.org> wrote:
> * "Marc G. Fournier" <freebsd@hub.org> [2007-04-27 16:03
>> A thought: how hard would it be to add some method of forcing a system
>> crash, that would dump core, from the command line? Something that,
>> default, would
> Doesn't 'kill -6 1' work anymore?
I'd never heard of that one ... will it dump core if I do that?
Please note, in my case, with the Buffer Space issue ... I can login and
cleanly reboot the server, so doing something like the above to get a core dump
is definitely doable, I'd just never seen a reference to a 'kill -6
1' before
for doing that ...
Side question to this though ... I remember awhile back using a
mechanism that allowed me to dump core to a seperate server ... it was so long
ago that my memory is faint, but there was a reason why I couldn't dump to
local server ... not sure whatever happened to that code, but, if one can do
that for dumping core, shouldn't there be some method possible to connect to
DDB over the Ethernet without having to have a serial console in place? For
the core dump case, the ethernet obviously stayed up while it dump'd,
some sort of 'ddb.conf' file be setup that would allow it to ifconfig an
within that shell so that you could connect to it remotely? say with an
'from-ip' directive?
Just a thought ...
- ----
Marc G. Fournier Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.hub.org)
Email . scrappy@hub.org MSN . scrappy@hub.org
Yahoo . yscrappy Skype: hub.org ICQ . 7615664
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