Hi all,
I had a very similar kernel panic after cvsuping at Dec 29th afternoon
USA eastern time. Any application related to network or x-window will
cause panic. I even could not cvsup anymore. Luckily, I have another
box which has source at 24th. I reversed everything to that day.
On 1/3/07, Michael Ranner <michael@ranner.eu>
wrote:> Hello there!
> Since updating from 6.1 to 6.2-RC2 I have nearly every time a panic on
> shutdown or halting my Athlon X2 Dual Core system. It seems, that it
> only after mounting filesystems rw, because it does not happen after
> in single user mode.
> The panic occurs sometime immediate on pressing the power button, I think
> init 0 is invoked or yesterday after entering halt -p, the systems shuts
> and during or after the syncing (6 6 6 4 4 2 0 0) but before the kernel
> down the system.
> Has someone similar observed?
> I will setup a debug kernel this evening.
> --
> /\/\ichael Ranner
> mranner@inode.at - mranner@jawa.at - mranner@bugat.at
> -----------------------------------------------------
> BSD Usergroup Austria - http://www.bugat.at/
> GIT/CS/AT dx(-) s+:(++:) a- C++ UBLVS++++$ P++>+++$ L-(+)$ E---
> W+++$ N+(++) o-- K- w--()$ O-(--) M@ V-(--) PS+>++ PE(-) Y+ PGP(-)
> t+ 5+ X+++(++++) R* tv++ b+(++) DI++ D-(--) G- e h--(*) r++ y?
> ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
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