On Thu, Sep 28, 2006, at 18:30:52 +0200, Zoran Kolic
wrote:> Hi all!
> I would like to hear opinion of pc card
> choice for laptop and atheros chip:
> netgear wag511
> d-link dwl-ag650
> linksys wpc55ag
> Good and bad. Prior to make idiot of me
> and buy wrong.
> Zoran
I've got the Netgear WG511T and it works pretty well. Sometimes it does
"lock up" and become unusable after using Kismet or dstumbler
remember which one), but my old 550MHz laptop runs one of the 6.0
BETAs...so things may have improved in 6.1 or the upcoming 6.2 if it is
a software issue. For general use (surfing/email/IRC/SSH/streaming
audio) it works pretty well.
Personally I prefer the Netgear or Linksys brands over D-Link.
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