Christian Lopez de Castilla Wagner <> writes:
> This afternoon I experienced two hard crashes while accessing my floppy
> drive.
> Mounting seemed to work OK, then I tried to copy a file (~24K) to the
> disk and then nothing, having to go for the Reset button. The first time
> this happened under X, the second time on a terminal.
> I have no idea when exactly this started to happen; the last time I used
> a floppy must have been around March...
> FreeBSD hellion.clcw 6.1-STABLE FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE #0: Fri May 12
> 12:55:23 BOT 2006 root@hellion.clcw:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/20051212
> i386
Are you sure you didn't just have bad media?
I try to access floppies in ways that don't involve actually mounting
them, because they do tend to go bad.