I've got an IBM T42 laptop that's currently running 5.4, and it's working nicely at the moment. ACPI works well enough that suspend to RAM works ('zzz'), the audio works, USB devices are recognised, and the battery life's reasonable (with est enabled). Is anyone aware of any regressions in laptop functionality going from 5.4 to 6.x? N
Works like a charm. On 5/4/06, Nik Clayton <nik@freebsd.org> wrote:> I've got an IBM T42 laptop that's currently running 5.4, and it's working > nicely at the moment. ACPI works well enough that suspend to RAM works > ('zzz'), the audio works, USB devices are recognised, and the battery life's > reasonable (with est enabled). > > Is anyone aware of any regressions in laptop functionality going from 5.4 to > 6.x? > > N > > _______________________________________________ > freebsd-stable@freebsd.org mailing list > http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-stable > To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-stable-unsubscribe@freebsd.org" >-- Sean Bryant
> From: Nik Clayton <nik@freebsd.org> > > I've got an IBM T42 laptop that's currently running 5.4, and it's working > nicely at the moment. ACPI works well enough that suspend to RAM works > ('zzz'), the audio works, USB devices are recognised, and the battery life's > reasonable (with est enabled). > > Is anyone aware of any regressions in laptop functionality going from 5.4 to > 6.x?I've been running 6-STABLE on a T42 for a while and not noticed any problems in the subjects mentioned. The addition of iwi has made life a little simpler. I think it is ok to take the leap... -mark