Tim Soderstrom wrote:> I am trying to jump into the world of FreeBSD and have been having some
> nasty problems with some things. The latest of which is the fact that
> FreeBSD is noting DMA timeouts with my SATA card, particularly when
> performing writes:
As far as I am aware it is not resolved and is actually not fixable.
However I gave up on these cards a while ago so I might be out of date.
See below.
> error=10<NID_NOT_FOUND> LBA=273370735
> g_vfs_done():ad4s1g[WRITE(offset=115279347712, length=131072)]error = 5
> ad4: TIMEOUT - WRITE_DMA48 retrying (1 retry left) LBA=276000431
> ....
> These repeat sometimes to the point of FreeBSD going into an emergency
> reboot mode, although this has not yet happened since I updated to
> 6.0-RELEASE-p7. Speaking of, I am confused as to if that is the STABLE
> branch (which I want to get on)?
RELENG_6 is the current STABLE. Although it won't call itself stable
if you build it, it will be named RC1. Its still STABLE though, names
change prior to a release occurring and 6.1 is due shortly.
> In any case, I am concerned as to whether or not these errors represent a
> real problem and what I can go about doing with them. This box is designed
> to be a file-server, so I had hoped that it would be as stable as, well,
> if not a rock, at least play-dough :)
This card is based on a Silicon Image chip. You might as well
chuck the card I have never got a machine stable with one of these
controllers, I tried three cards all based on this chip, including an
Adaptec 1210SA. All the same, completely unstable.
I suggest you acquire one of these instead:
Save yourself a lot of pain (really) and get one :) With one of these
the rock-like stability should be easy to achieve, hopefully.
> Regards,
> Tim S.
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