O. Hartmann
2005-Dec-19 10:16 UTC
Firefox/Thunderbird: Weired close behaviour (stuck) and installation problems
Hello. Since a few days I recognize a weired behaviour of both Mozilla Firefox 1.5 and Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 on FreeBSD 6.0-STABLE/AMD64/i386: - when closing both applications, the close their window but there is still a process eating up CPU time with state 'ucond'. kill -9 # helps. As far as I can remember this misbehaviour wasn't obvious befor last week (I do cvsupdates on a two-daily cycle). On both, amd64 and i386, types of the most recent FreeBSD 6.0-STABLE, doing a portupgrade fails for thunderbird, I remains stuck on this last message forever: install -o root -g wheel -m 444 /usr/data/ports/usr/data/ports/mail/thunderbird/work/fake/libdata/pkgconfig/thunderbird-plugin.pc /usr/X11R6/libdata/pkgconfig/thunderbird-plugin.pc /bin/mkdir -p /usr/X11R6/lib/browser_plugins /usr/bin/touch -f /usr/X11R6/lib/browser_plugins/.thunderbird.keep ===> Building Chrome's registry... Can anyone confirm or help, in case this is a fault on my own weirdness? Thanks, Oliver P.S. I do not apply a dmesg because this error occurs on all diffrent flavours of hardware but with the same OS: FReeBSD 6.0-STABLE (most recent).