I Could be wrong, but i believe that you dont have to disklabel your
GEOM devices on sysinstall.. just make sure you load the geom_mirror
module on your /boot/loader.conf file
(add geom_mirror_load="YES")
and mount the mirrored device...
Upon loading, the geom_mirror module will read the metadata on the
mirrored devices and will create the appropriate device (the one you
should mount)...
to be sure, after doing your upgrade, without labeling your disks
(dont touch them using sysinstall) just run
gmirror load
that will load the module and read your mirrored partitions.. all your
data should be there, and
gmirror status
will tell you what is the device you need to add to /etc/fstab
good luck!
On 10/8/05, rihad <rihad@mail.ru> wrote:> I have a FreeBSD 5.3 box and its two HDD's are setup as one GEOM mirror
> unit /dev/mirror/gm0 (c.f. http://people.freebsd.org/~rse/mirror/). Now
> Now I want to do a binary upgrade to FreeBSD 5.4, but the new
> sysinstall's disklabel editor only recognizes the IDE disks and does
> consider the GEOM mirror (mentioned in /etc/fstab, btw). How do I go
> about this? Thanks.
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