I just got a machine Tyan Tiger i7320 motherboard with a 250Gb Serial ATA Hitachi drive. When I try to boot FreeBSD 5.4 Release it says: ATA0 ATAPI IDENTITY_TIMEOUT several times And ATA1 IDENTIFY_TIMEOUT Before the install starts - RedHat Liunx correctly sees the drive. :( Does this mean FreeBSD does not support this or have I got the wrong BIOS settings. Any help gratefully received. It is an Adaptec AIC-8110 SATA I controller I think. In the startup of FreeBSD it says Intel 6300ESB UDMA100 controller (atapci0 atapci1) Thanks ALan ___________________________________________________________ Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com