Hi folks! Running natd under 5.3-RELEASE I've seen natd doesn't touch the port numbers - natd let packets pass with the same port numbers. I've tried setting the -same_ports natd option to no but natd behaviour doesn't change. From what I've found in the natd sources (/usr/src/sbin/natd/natd.c) the command line option for -same_ports never gets processed. It's my believe there's been some code forgotten in natd.c but I'm not quite sure. Would please the maintainer or a core member check the natd.c source for the processing and correct defaults of natds' -same_ports option? Function ParseOption doesn't show any processing of this parameter. From my experience with natd under 5.3 I would say, natd isn't working as expected for the source port numbering. Thanks, Volker -- GPG/PGP fingerprint: FF93 13A1 2477 B631 E953 06DF 4C49 ADD9 E4BF 79B1
Hi,> Would please the maintainer or a core member check the natd.c source for > the processing and correct defaults of natds' -same_ports option?I took a look at natd.c and the same_ports seems to be defined in source, it sets libalias options PKT_ALIAS_SAME_PORTS, nothing else. It relies on libalias doing suitable processing after that. Ari S.