Hi all, Is the wi driver in 4.10 up-to-date with the 5.3 driver? Can it be backported? I have an issue with the 4.10; 5.3 works: My D-Link 650 802.11b Intersil Prism 2.5 (primary 1.1.1, station 1.8.0) has always worked fine in hostap mode in my 4.10-p3 system (using a PLX-based PCMCIA-PCI bridge). However, my new Dell Latitude has a Truemobile 1450 a/b/g wireless inside and cannot associate with the FreeBSD hostap system. With debug turned on, I see these messages on the BSD side: wihap_data_input: no TODS src=00:90:4b:xx:xx:xx Conversely, putting the Prism card in a FreeBSD 5.3 with exactly the same ifconfig parameters DOES work! The Dell can associate just fine. Regards, Sven