Yesterday morning I was stunned by the fact that I could not get mail from pop server via fetchmail. After little panic (that I was hacked) I realized I could with "mozilla". So, it's not to my isp. Error message in "maillog" says it don't find localhost. It is true. In "/etc/hosts" I put machine-name for But, that worked for long time. Then simply stops. Fetchmail uses dy- namic rule in ipfw2 and initiates process, gets mail from server and delivers to port 25. And, there is yesterday's problem. I just add smtphost machine-name to rc-file. Works again, but... Why it stoped? Fetchmail version is 6.2.5. I've checked system and found nothing. No strange files, no newly opened ports, no new users. Cops and aide give nothing. It is dial-up machine, never more than 3-5 minutes. Stays mistery to me. There was another issue the same morning. Yahoo account doesn't respond properly anymore. I use fetchyahoo script to get the mail. Now, "bulk folder" cannot be emptied. Script fails and finishes with no mail in spool. I will try without "empty bulk" option. Yahoo is on FreeBSD also. Does it mean anything? (I hate cookies-javascript-IE-etc behaviour of most services. Don't ask did I try that way.) Has someone noticed something alike? Best regards ZK