On Sat, 21 Feb 2004, Jonathon McKitrick wrote:
> Any idea why updating to 4.9 stable would give me this error?
> I have to set it to protocol 1 and log in manually. The auto login with
> id_rsa and authorized_keys doesn't seem to work anymore, but gives this
> error:
> neptune:~> ssh jcm@dogma.freebsd-uk.eu.org
> key_verify failed for server_host_key
ssh -v might help, but I suspect your host key changed and you've
configured strict checking. Is your client ssh.com or OpenSSH?
> NOTE: Please CC me, as I am not currently subscribed. Thanks.
> jm
Doug White | FreeBSD: The Power to Serve
dwhite@gumbysoft.com | www.FreeBSD.org