Joan Picanyol
2003-Oct-12 09:44 UTC
too restrictive permissions on /dev after upgrade rc1->rc2
Hi, After my last upgrade (Oct 10th) + buildworld cycle I've noticed some weird things: /dev/null, /dev/std{in,out,err} and /dev/[u]?random are 600, so no one can do anything with them (make buildworld fails with "can't create /dev/null", slogin says "PRNG not seeded"). After chmod'ing as I felt convinient, now slogin doesn't work (I can't type my password in the keyboard): [...] ?ebug?: service_?cce?t: ssh-user?uth ?ebug?: g?t SSH2_MSG_S??V???_?????T ?ebug?: ?uthentic?ti?ns th?t c?n c?ntinue: ?ublicke????ssw?r? ?ebug?: next ?uth meth?? t? tr? is ?ublicke? ?ebug?: tr? ?ubke?: /h?me/j??n/.ssh/i?_rs? ?ebug?: ?uthentic?ti?ns th?t c?n c?ntinue: ?ublicke????ssw?r? ?ebug?: tr? ?ubke?: /h?me/j??n/.ssh/i?_?s? ?ebug?: ?uthentic?ti?ns th?t c?n c?ntinue: ?ublicke????ssw?r? ?ebug?: next ?uth meth?? t? tr? is ??ssw?r? ?ebug?: ?uthentic?ti?ns th?t c?n c?ntinue: ?ublicke????ssw?r? ?ermissi?n ?enie?? ?le?se tr? ?g?in. ?ebug?: ?uthentic?ti?ns th?t c?n c?ntinue: ?ublicke????ssw?r? ?ermissi?n ?enie?? ?le?se tr? ?g?in. ?ebug?: ?uthentic?ti?ns th?t c?n c?ntinue: ?ublicke? ?ebug?: n? m?re ?uth meth??s t? tr? ?ermissi?n ?enie? (?ublicke?). ?ebug?: ??lling cle?nu? 0x804c?58(0x0) If I try this with DISPLAY=0.0 environment, the last lines are: [...] ?ebug?: tr? ?ubke?: /h?me/j??n/.ssh/i?_?s? ?ebug?: ?uthentic?ti?ns th?t c?n c?ntinue: ?ublicke????ssw?r? ?ebug?: next ?uth meth?? t? tr? is ??ssw?r? ssh_?sk??ss: exec(/usr/X???6/bin/ssh-?sk??ss): N? such file ?r ?irect?r? ?ebug?: ??lling cle?nu? 0x804c?58(0x0) Write f?ile?: Br?ken ?i?e ?ebug?: ??lling cle?nu? 0x804c?58(0x0) I have stock versions of /etc/pam.conf and /etc/ssh/* et al., which makes me wonder: 1.- Am I the only one seeing this? 2.- Is this a bug or a feature? 3.- How should I set up ssh to ask me the password again? tks -- pica
Joan Picanyol
2003-Oct-12 12:12 UTC
too restrictive permissions on /dev after upgrade rc1->rc2
* Joan Picanyol <> [20031012 18:39]:> /dev/null, /dev/std{in,out,err} and /dev/[u]?random are 600So is /dev/zero. The most annoying thing is to discover it every time something fails (i.e.: buildworld) tks -- pica