On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 04:53:39PM +1200, Marcos Biscaysaqu
wrote:> Someone know if is possible make a transparent proxy and redirect by
> ipfw, ??
Yes, it is.
ipfw add fwd,3128 tcp from to any 80
On should be an http proxy capable of handling
transparent connections in this case. Problem here is, that redirection
to another port only works on the same machine, this means the router
should also have an proxy running. Or you redirect to another machine on
port 80 (next hop, must be in the same network as the router and the
proxy must be running on Port 80).
Not every high level protocol works with transparent proxying.
Using a transparent proxy should only be done, when users know it.
- Oliver
| Oliver Brandmueller | Offenbacher Str. 1 | Germany D-14197 Berlin |
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