On 12/02/2009 09:11 AM, Alex Huth wrote:> Hello!
> Is it no longer possible to update minor 6.x releases to 6.3 or 6.4 with
> script mentioned on the announcement off 6.3?
> http://www.freebsd.org/releases/6.3R/announce.html
> Using it i get the error:
> Looking up update.FreeBSD.org mirrors... 3 mirrors found.
> Fetching public key from update2.FreeBSD.org... failed.
> Fetching public key from update5.FreeBSD.org... failed.
> Fetching public key from update4.FreeBSD.org... failed.
> No mirrors remaining, giving up.
It fails for me too. I tried to update from 7.2 (i386) to 8.0.
I got the same error. I tried importing the public key manually and that
failed too.
> telnet to that systems is possible.
> Thx
> Alex
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