Did you check out
tml ?
It clearly explains everything.
Ozgur Ozdemircili
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ronnel P. Maglasang" <rmaglasang@infoweapons.com>
To: "freebsd-geom" <freebsd-geom@freebsd.org>;
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 3:52 AM
Subject: encrypting existing partitions/disks
> Hello,
> Has anyone wrote a how-to or a guick guide on how
> to encrypt an existing partition/disk using gbde?
> I've tried to search in the net but i cudn't find
> any. Is it possible to just move the existing data
> on my disk, cleanup the disk and encrypt using gbde,
> attach to the system, then move back the data to the now
> encrypted disk.
> Thanks,
> - ronnel
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