To Whom It May Concern, I hope this request reaches you in good spirits. I am a recent graduate with a B.S. in Computer Science along with a specialization in both Software Engineering and Information Technology. I am currently looking for a full-time position doing Unix Administration, Programming, and/or Network Security. I am well versed in Object Oriented C++, experienced with Tck/Tk, Java and C#. I feel I have a strong UNIX background in system maintenance, network security and the overall system up keep. I am a quick learner. Most of my UNIX experiences come from being self taught. I have worked with Linux since 1995, but have shifted my primary focus to FreeBSD in 2001 in regards to my primary Operating System of choice. I am a highly self-motivated individual and would love the opportunity to put all that I have learned in school into real world applications. I have dynamic people skills and love to work with others, but can work by myself if need be. I understand I do not have the real world (5 years) work experience everyone is looking for, but (in my catch-22 phase) I can assure you that I have what it takes to learn if placed in a fast-pace dynamic environment. If you are interested in speaking with me to further discuss my course work and/or resume please feel free to contact me directly at your earliest convenience. I may be reached via Thank you for your time, Arwuah