[Please note that the "Reply-To:" field of this mail is my e-mail address only] Hi! I'm the maintainer of PC-card package for FreeBSD(the latest release is pccard-test-960328). I want to start "Laptop Survey" project on FreeBSD. Linux has the same survey for long, and I think it is very useful. If you're using FreeBSD on laptop machines, please fill in the form given below and send it to me (Reply-To: hosokawa@mt.cs.keio.ac.jp). I wrote two samples corresponding to my two laptop machines (Digital Hinote and Digital Hinote Ultra). I will publish the result on the Web pages, and incorporate it into our PC-card package. (If you're interested in PC-card (PCMCIA) driver for FreeBSD, detailed information can be found at, http://www.mt.cs.keio.ac.jp/person/hosokawa/freebsd-pcmcia/ If you install this package, please send me the report about it) Thanks. hosokawa ---------------------------------------------------------------------- <LTS> <NAME> (requisite) Your Name</NAME> <ADDR> E-mail address (do not fill it if you don't want to publish it) </ADDR> <MCN> (requisite) product name of your machine </MCN> <CPU> (requisite) CPU type </CPU> <RAM> (requisite) Amount of main memory </RAM> <HDD> (requisite) Amount of hard disk </HDD> <BIOS> Version number of BIOS </BIOS> <FBSD> (requisite) Can you installed FreeBSD on this machine?</FBSD> (Ex.: No problem -> OK, Can't install FreeBSD at all -> NG, Special technique or tips are required -> the abstract of your tips) <FBSDV> Version number of FreeBSD </FBSDV> <PCCV> Version number of pccard-test package (if you're using it) </PCCV> <APM> Does APM BIOS driver of FreeBSD works? </APM> (Ex.: No problem -> OK, "options FORCE_APM10" was required -> FORCE_APM10, Can't drive APM at all -> NG) <APMV> Version number of APM BIOS </APMV> <CONFIG> Machine-depend "options" in config file </CONFIG> <PCIC> Type of PC-card controller </PCIC> <CRD> PC-card (PCMCIA) that worked <CONF> Corresponding entry of /etc/pccard.conf </CONF> </CRD> (You can drive the card with default pccard.conf, no <CONF> field is required) <CRD>.......</CRD>..... repeats... <NGCRD> The Cards that you can't drive, even though README's and pccard.conf says that it works. </NGCRD> <NGCRD>.......</NGCRD>..... repeats... <MISC> Additional information </MISC> </LTS> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (example 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- <LTS> <NAME> Tatsumi Hosokawa </NAME> <ADDR> hosokawa@mt.cs.keio.ac.jp </ADDR> <MCN> DEC Ditital Hinote CS433 </MCN> <CPU> i486SX 33MHz </CPU> <RAM> 20MB </RAM> <HDD> 260MB </HDD> <FBSD> OK </FBSD> <FBSDV> 2.2-960303-SNAP </FBSDV> <PCCV> 960318 </PCCV> <APM> COMPAT_APM10 </APM> <APMV> 1.1 </APMV> <CONFIG> LAPTOP, HINOTE </CONFIG> <PCIC> Cirrus Logic PD-672x </PCIC> <CRD> IBM PCMCIA Creditcard Ethernet II </CRD> <CRD> 3Com Etherlink III PCMCIA 3C589B </CRD> <CRD> Megahertz X-Jack XJ2144 FAX/Modem</CRD> <CRD> Adaptec SlimSCSI APA-1460 </CRD> <CRD> Epson Flash Packer 20MB </CRD> <NGCRD> RATOC REX-5535AM </NGCRD> <MISC> RATOC REX5535 does not work, but I have no idea. APM driver works without COMPAT_APM10, but it seems rather unstable. </MISC> </LTS> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (example 2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- <LTS> <NAME> Tatsumi Hosokawa </NAME> <ADR> hosokawa@mt.cs.keio.ac.jp </ADR> <MCN> DEC Ditital Hinote Ultra CS433 </MCN> <CPU> i486SX 33MHz </CPU> <RAM> 20MB </RAM> <HDD> 810MB </HDD> <BIOS> 1.41 </BIOS> <FBSD> OK </FBSD> <FBSDV> 2.2-960321-SNAP </FBSDV> <PCCV> 960328 </PCCV> <APM> OK </APM> <APMV> 1.1 </APMV> <CONFIG> LAPTOP </CONFIG> <PCIC> Cirrus Logic PD-6710 </PCIC> <CRD> IBM PCMCIA Creditcard Ethernet I </CRD> <CRD> IBM PCMCIA Creditcard Ethernet II </CRD> <CRD> 3Com Etherlink III PCMCIA 3C589B </CRD> <CRD> Megahertz X-Jack Ethernet </CRD> <CRD> Megahertz X-Jack XJ2144 FAX/Modem <CONF> card "MEGAHERTZ" "XJ([12]144|[23]288)(-[0-9]+)?" config 0x23 "sio2" 16 # IRQ 16 (PIO) insert echo Megahertz X-jack FAX/Modem inserted remove echo Megahertz X-jack FAX/Modem removed </CONF> </CRD> <CRD> Megahertz X-Jack XJ2288 FAX/Modem <CONF> card "MEGAHERTZ" "XJ([12]144|[23]288)(-[0-9]+)?" config 0x23 "sio2" 16 # IRQ 16 (PIO) insert echo Megahertz X-jack FAX/Modem inserted remove echo Megahertz X-jack FAX/Modem removed </CONF> </CRD> <CRD> Adaptec SlimSCSI APA-1460 </CRD> <CRD> Epson Flash Packer 20MB </CRD> <NGCRD> RATOC REX-5535AM </NGCRD> <MISC> To use modem card, setting IRQ to 16 (PIO hack) is required. REX-5535 does not work, but I have no idea. No machine-depend "options" are required except "LAPTOP". </MISC> </LTS> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- HOSOKAWA, Tatsumi E-mail: hosokawa@mt.cs.keio.ac.jp WWW homepage: http://www.mt.cs.keio.ac.jp/person/hosokawa.html Department of Computer Science, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan