Torsdag, 23 januar 2003, skrev "Tor-Einar Jarnbjo"
>- My implementation seems to decode fixed subframes now, but the lpc
>subframes contains nothing but noise, and the bitstream is out of
sync after>reading one. The source code I'm using for decoding the lpc subframe is
>available here:
and the>relevant part starts on line 218. I would appreciate if someone
would take a>look at it and see if they find any obvious mistakes (the code should
be>quite easy to read).
To be more precise, I here have an example of a frame, which I am
not able to decode properly:
11111111 11111000
frame sync and reserved bits
01011001 10011000
block size = 0101 -> 4608
sample rate = 1001 -> 44100
channel ass. = 1001
sample size = 100 -> 16 bits
0 bit padding
11000010 10101000
frame number = 168
CRC (not checked)
LPC subframe
order = 5
no bits wasted
11111110 00001111
11111111 10001001
00000000 00010101
01100000 00000111
00111111 11101000
5 warmup samples
00010101 10100101 00010001 11110000
ppppssss s0011223 344mm
So, this is where I fail. The bits should have the following meaning:
p: coefficient precision = 2
s: coefficient shift = 11
0-4: order * coefficient precision (2 * 5) bits
containing the coefficients
m: residual coding method = 2(!)
According to the format description, the coding method has to be 0.
I've been using libFLAC 1.0.4 to encode the stream.
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