Luc MAIGNAN wrote:> Hi,
> I didn''t succeed to install an FC7 guest on a FC7 host using
> virt-install with nographics (the same operation with a FC6 was
> successfull).
> In the installation process, I''ve got first an error : libvir: Xen
> Daemon error : GET operation failed:
> and after a while, the installation hangs up.
> ANy idea please ?
Greetings, Luc,
Two things:
1) Your dom0 F7 machine can''t be runing Selinux in Enforcing mode.
There''s a denial related to udevd trying to load a kernel module
a problem. You can confirm this by looking for avc messages in
/var/log/messages if you don''t have auditd loaded, or
/var/log/audit/audit.log if you do. I reported this problem to the
Selinux people so they''re aware of it. Edit /etc/selinux/conf and set
SELINUX to permissive.
2) Your guest may very well be running, despite the nographics setting.
If you have a head on your dom0 machine, try turning on the --vnc option
and see what happens. If your dom0 is headless, redirect any X output to
some other machine that has a head (set DISPLAY, xhost, etc). Run your
virt-install, and see if the graphical console of your guest pops up. It
did for me, even though I didn''t expect it to. Turns out that when
booting, the F7 guest console output starts on on the serial line, and
finishes up with the graphical console. I posted what to do about this
to Fedora-xen a week or so ago, so check the archives.
Good luck,
> BR
> --
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