Hi Juan,
There are some significant fixes in xen-ia64-unstable.hg right now,
especially the xencomm patches. All of the patches are ia64-only.
Since it''s unlikely that Keir will pull xen-ia64 again prior to 3.0.3
release, how would you like to handle getting these fixes into your
I''ve done it two different ways so far:
1. Clone xen-3.0.3-testing, clone xen-ia64-unstable. Pull
xen-ia64-unstable into xen-3.0.3-testing, hg merge, then use
pull-xen-unstable as normal. The problem with this is that your
changeset id will reflect the extra changesets pulled in from
2. Start with the same clones. Create two patches and apply them in
the spec-file.
Since method #1 is obvious and simple, I documented method #2 below.
Here are the steps I used to generate the patches attached to this
# 1. Clone upstream repos and create temporary trees
hg clone http://xenbits.xensource.com/ext/xen-ia64-unstable.hg
hg clone http://xenbits.xensource.com/xen-3.0.3-testing.hg
hg clone http://free.linux.hp.com/~agriffis/pull-xen-unstable.hg
hg clone http://hg.et.redhat.com/kernel/linux-2.6-xen-fedora
cp -al xen-3.0.3-testing.hg xen-3.0.3-testing.hg+ia64
cp -al linux-2.6-xen-fedora linux-2.6-xen-fedora+ia64
# 2. Remember tip changesets
ia64_cset=$(hg -R xen-ia64-unstable.hg parents | \
awk -F''[ :]'' ''/^changeset:/{print
testing_cset=$(hg -R xen-3.0.3-testing.hg parents | \
awk -F''[ :]'' ''/^changeset:/{print
# 3. Merge ia64 into testing
cd xen-3.0.3-testing.hg+ia64
hg pull ../xen-ia64-unstable.hg
hg merge
hg ci -m "merge xen-ia64-unstable.hg"
cd ..
# 4. Generate hypervisor patch
hg -R xen-3.0.3-testing.hg+ia64 di -r $testing_cset -r tip | \
filterdiff -p1 -i ''xen/*'' --strip=1 >
# 5. Generate linux patch
cd linux-2.6-xen-fedora+ia64
hg -R ../xen-3.0.3-testing.hg+ia64 di -r $testing_cset -r tip | \
../pull-xen-unstable.hg/pull-xen-unstable --filter | \
patch -p1
hg add
hg remove --after
hg ci -m "update to xen-ia64-unstable-$ia64_cset"
hg export tip > ../linux-2.6-xen-ia64-$ia64_cset.patch
Which method do you prefer?